
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Major Decisions

I hope by now that most of the incoming freshmen have already attended an ATP and registered for classes. They tend to fill up quickly the later you wait, and I happen to know this all too well. As a slice of advice in advance, your major is probably going to chance at least once within your college career. Most students are able to graduate in four years, but those who declare majors and minors late become 5th- or 6th-year seniors (just a heads up). You may think that you have found your passion, the area of knowledge that you are sure will make your future job fun and not work, but I would not close the other doors just yet. Let me share my story with you.

Before coming to Western, I knew that I was interested in math, psychology, and graphic design. Other than that, I had no clue what I would be when I "grew up," or what my major would be, so I entered in as "Undeclared." A few months went by of my first semester and one day I decided that psychology was the right track for me. I knew that the classes I would be taking excited me, so I printed off the change of major form and dropped it off at the dean's office in Tate Page Hall. From that day forward, until recently, my plan was to earn a Bachelor's of Science in psychology, go to graduate school for my Master's, and finally get a PhD.

So what happened that changed my plans? During finals week, I was looking at some photos of designs that a friend had made. Seeing all of the cool things she had created reminded me of how much I had wanted to be a graphic designer, and I realized that I had completely closed the door of possibility for having a different major than psychology. A fear that I would regret not trying graphic design made me rethink my decision, and last week, I again printed off the change of major request form. This time I turned it in to Mass Media and Technology Hall slightly less excited and a little more nervous than before. Honestly, I am scared because I know I enjoy psychology, but I have no experience with design and advertising. The only thing I can do is try, but is that not what college is all about: trying new things, succeeding and failing, growing, learning, and stepping out of your comfort zone?

Currently, I am in the process of rearranging my class schedule for the fall, and it is a little overwhelming. Most classes with the best times are already full, so I will be taking four classes Monday and Wednesday and one class on Tuesday and Thursday, as well as an online web course. Next semester will be tough, but I know I can do it. Right now I just plan to enjoy the long summer break and I hope you do too!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Ahhh.....the end of the semester. Finals are over for me as of Monday
at 12:30. I've attended my student teaching meeting and I'm ready to
soak in the sun. That is, in between working and studying for the
Praxis II exams, which I'll need to be certified. Wish me luck!!!!
I've been reading the student teaching handbook and with every page I
get more anxious and excited. I'm so ready for this next step. The
only bad thing about this time of year is waiting for your grades to
post. Topnet is going to permanently log me out if I don't quit logging
in after every five minutes of my life! POST THEM ALREADY!! Haha!

Tomorrow I leave to return home for the weekend where my niece, Amanda
will be graduating from high school. Another big milestone in life.
Congrats lady!! I have a 12:30 appointment to get my hair done. I
think it's about time for a teacher haircut!!! I need something so I
won't blend in with the students. Haha! Then Tuesday it's back to work
in the Admission's office. If you have any general questions, call us
and we'll be sure to help you out. If we don't know the answer, then
we'll find someone who does.

This is the first summer that I will not have taken summer classes and
if you are planning on taking some, believe me....they really aren't
that bad. It's a good way to get ahead of the game and have one-on-one
time with the teacher.

Anywho, please everyone have a SAFE summer and don't forget to check
back to hear about the various activities that I'll be
involved in.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All-Nighters: 101

It is finals week.... aaaaalfjeiowajfioniodasfklllllllllllllaewjinda. Now if only I could express that on my tests and papers, I would be all set.

If I can manage to crawl out of this week with my two hands and two feet, then there will definitely be a big celebration/farewell gathering for all the folks who are going back to their home countries or graduating ;)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The End of an Era

The time has come and it is the end of an era. Its graduation and people will start going their separate ways. Even though I am not this spring, 11 very special people will be graduating. When you have finally established yourself into a major, you will meet so many fantastic people and you will form very strong bonds with them. They will be there to help you through any test, paper, report, or in my case, lesson plans and unit plans. Haha.

I am very privileged to wish Maegan Renick, Brandon Poole, Laci DeRossett, Robin Pelfrey, Ali Bomar, Addison James, Savannah Tankersley, Matt Murrell, Jill Morris, Amanda McCrarey, and Amy Tracy good luck with their future. These people have been like a family to me and I have no doubt in my mind that they will all be very successful teachers!!! They are smart, determined and love what they will be doing and I am so proud of them and their accomplishments.
Congrats on graduating!!!

You did it!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Year Has Come and Gone

In less than a week's time, I will have officially completed my first year of college and will never again be referred to as a freshman. Wow, it has gone by so quickly! I have made so many new friends; learned how to live on my own (without financial support from my parents!); gained weight, as well as lost some; found a home-away-from-home at a local church, Woodburn Baptist; declared a major (Psychology), even though I have no idea what I will do when I leave WKU; and so much more!

The experience has been absolutely wonderful, through both the good and the bad. For instance, a pipe burst on the 5th floor of my residence hall not once, but twice this year! Our water was turned off for a while and we could not flush the toilets, but everyone banded together and helped out, filling up trashcans with water to empty down the stairwell and offering their towels to those who had water leaking into their rooms. On the bright side, we now have a really cool t-shirt for our hall, with a picture on the back depicting the flood that we "survived," as well as a funny inside-joke that we will never forget.

If I was asked what was my favorite thing about my freshman year at Western, I do not think I could answer! I truly love the Hill and having the opportunity to continue my education, not only in knowledge of history, literature, science, etc., but of life and myself, what I believe and what I am passionate about. College is one of the biggest adventures of life and I am so excited to share my journey with you! With three more years to go, I am sure that I will have many more nuggets of wisdom to pass on to future classes of WKU. I hope you keep reading and feel free to leave comments with any questions you have!